
You are a remote speaker or guest in a webinar, livestream or recording. For this purpose WBNRS makes use of vMix Calls whereby you can use a Chrome browser on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC with a webcam to dial in remotely with image and sound. This makes use of Web RTC, or video through your browser.

In 90% of the cases it works right away, but a good preparation is half the battle and prevents last minute stress a few minutes before you have to enter the webinar, livestream or recording.

On this page you will find all the information you need to prepare properly.

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Which devices?

vMix Call works via the following devices:

  • PC with webcam
  • Laptop with webcam
  • Tablet with camera
  • Smartphone with camera

To avoid echoes in the broadcast or recording, it is best to put in (wireless) earphones or use a headset.

Which internet speed?

A device connected to wired internet (via ethernet cable) gives the best results. Wired internet is faster and more stable than wifi. If wired internet is not possible, make sure you have good wifi and that colleagues or housemates use as little heavy internet usage (such as gaming and watching videos) as possible when you have to go live.

If you have lower up- and downloads than 2 megabits per second (2 Mb/s), the picture will not only be pixelated but also appear shaky. 

Which browsers?

vMix Call works on the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox browsers on the device you want to use. Find out how to update your browser: Chrome and Firefox.

Log on to vMix Call

You will be sent a link from WBNRS in advance ( which will take you to a page where you can fill in your name and then click on [Join call]:

Inloggen op VMIX Call

In general, you are asked to log in 15 minutes before appearing on the broadcast/recording so that the technicians can see that you are ready.

After clicking [Join call], your browser will ask you to agree to your camera and microphone being used. Once you have agreed, a small preview screen will show your camera. In the background you can see the broadcast or recording in real time. You can then listen in live until you are announced in the recording or live stream.

Working with vMIX

When you are in vMix Call, you will see a number of buttons at the bottom of the screen:

Good setting?

For an optimal contribution to the broadcast or recording, here are some tips:

Make sure your face is well lit. It is best to have a desk lamp aimed straight at your face. Only light from above (ceiling lamps) can create annoying shadows. Make sure there is no light coming from behind you, such as light from a window.

Make sure you have a quiet background. If you do not have this, make sure that the background is less well lighted than you are. A window in the background is also not useful in connection with back lighting. And: never place a rolling banner behind you. It does not look professional ;-).

Make sure your camera is always at eye level. If the camera is too low, you look down on the viewers. Also, the image from below is less flattering. Put your laptop on a pile of books, use a separate webcam on a tripod or use a holder to click your smartphone or tablet on a tripod.

To avoid echo, it is best to use (wireless) earphones or a headset. A combination is also possible where you use the built-in microphone of your device or a separate (USB) microphone and a headset. 

Share slides remotely?

If you also need to share slides from your location, there are several options:

  1. PowerPoint Online
    If you are using Office 365, you can share your PowerPoint presentation online. You can find out how here. The link you create is emailed to WBNRS 20-30 minutes beforehand. You can then click through the presentation yourself when you are live.
  2. Slides via Teams of Zoom
    Another possibility is that you present your slides via Microsoft Teams or Zoom. You invite WBNRS as a viewer and they will bring in your screen. It is important that you do not use your camera and microphone via Teams or Zoom, but via vMix Call.

Any problems?

Below are some solutions to possible problems you may encounter:

You will get a blue screen if you are logged in with an unsupported browser or an older version of a browser. vMix Call requires the latest Google Chrome on Windows, Mac and Android devices. Only Safari (version 13 or higher) will work on iOS devices, Chrome is not supported.

Is the sound set to 0? Is the right box/headphone not selected? Close programs that also use audio like Teams and Zoom. Log in again via the vMix Call-link.

Your internet speed is (too) low. Try connecting your device to fixed internet or find a different wifi.

Is the microphone sound set to 0 by mistake? Is the right microphone not selected? Close programs that also use audio such as Teams and Zoom. Log in again via the vMix Call-link.

If there is another problem, reboot your device and log in again. 

wbnrs zet live video in om impact te maken voor jouw bedrijf. Informeer, inspireer en interacteer met een live webinar, podcast of livestream.

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Benieuwd of je jouw doelstellingen ook kunt halen met een webinar, livestream, online event of podcast?

Plan vrijblijvend een video call in met WBNRS.